The Downtown Lexington Management District will provide funding for organizations and/or artists to assist with the cost of producing a public art project or program that showcases the DLMD, supports its mission, and contributes to the arts and cultural landscape within the defined boundaries of the District. All projects are to be completed within a year of funding award.
Organization: Downtown Lexington Management District
Location: Lexington, KY
Contact: Laura Farnsworth | [email protected]
Application Deadline: March 31, 2025
Grant Amount: DLMD will provide grants ranging from $500 up to $10,000 based on applicant’s requested amount, DLMD Art Committee’s review criteria, discretionary considerations, and availability of funds.
Amounts awarded up to $2,500 to be matched with dollar/in-kind/sweat equity at the ratio of 50/50 and amounts $2,501 – $10,000 at the ratio of 70/30, with the greater amount being DLMD’s contribution.
- Artists 18 years of age or older residing in Lexington, KY or one of the surrounding counties
- It is NOT a pre-requisite that artists/organizations have successfully completed at least one public art project, but it is preferable and will be taken into consideration.
- The application provides an opportunity to submit additional information in support of your request and credibility
Submission Guidelines: Apply online.
Application Requirements: Applicants must fill out and submit the Grant Request Form. Additional support material and suggested documentation can be submitted at that time. Suggested but not mandatory:
- Resume
- Letters of project/program support
- Artists Bio
- Images of previous work
Learn more and apply: DLMD Public Art Grant Application