Not long after humanity began drawing, drawings evolved into writing. Pictures became symbols, abstraction blossomed, and language became visual. Two branches, sharing one root, carried forward people’s ideas, feelings, and plans. The visual and the verbal arts shared the role of encapsulating civilization’s data. And they continue to do so today, in so many wondrous and varied ways. TEXTUALITY is an exhibit that inquires into the overlap of these two branches, seeking examples of where the verbal is made visual, where language returns into image.

This exhibition is intended to feature works which incorporate text or letter forms. These may be in ways that are quite straightforward, or which are abstract, fragmented, or in other ways surprising or significantly processed away from recognition.

Organization: Manifest Gallery

Location: 2727 Woodburn Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206

Exhibition Dates: July 11 – August 8, 2025

Contact: i[email protected]

Application Deadline: March 30, 2025

Application Fee: $45 for up to three entries. $5 per each additional entry

Eligibility: TEXTUALITY is open to everyone internationally. The only limitation is that entries must represent original works which address the broad theme described above. Open to all traditional and non-traditional genre and media.

Submission Guidelines: Apply online.

Application Requirements:

Learn more and apply: TEXTUALITY Prospectus